
Dan Quinn

Dan Quinn

Let me take my 30+ years of experience with people, the keys to every business, and help you make yours more successful.

From hands-on in-person tutoring to sharing an inspirational team meeting, I will help you understand and succeed with people "on both sides of the counter."


Why is customer service such a misunderstood term?

Although I’ve heard it 'discussed' many times by many “experts”, I’m still amazed that so few companies really get it right.  I don't think it's really complicated, that’s part of the problem, it’s really quite simple. The “Real” answer to Customer Service escapes many because they don't understand it to begin with.

Because they grow by analyzing their performance in every area of business, from inventory turns, to shrink management, to sales trends, they make the critical mistake of thinking that Customer Service is another facet of business that can be understood and improved simply by analyzing it.

In almost any direct customer service business imaginable, survival is based on repeat business, not on random folks just wandering into your store or restaurant, right?

So why do so many service businesses fail?

It's as simple as this...

Service is not a Science, it’s an Art.  Think of the Mona Lisa, from across the room, Beauty, Magic, and Inspiration!  Yet if you walk up right next to it, you will see gobs of paint!  Getting closer to it doesn’t make it look clearer or better, you must stand back to appreciate it.

When you try to get to the whole truth simply by analyzing Customer Service, you get the same thing, gobs of nonsense.

Ask someone you know to explain to you why they love baseball or fishing or golf or anything that doesn’t really resonate for you.  They won’t be able to, because it’s not the sum of the parts that creates a love, it’s the thing itself.

It takes more than just the numbers to explain Customer Service… it takes people! Your committed and inspired people - and your customers.

Let me share with you what I’ve learned over the years, some of the most critical lessons, and let me preface it by saying that it took me about 25 of those years before I really began to “get it.”  I’m a slow learner, but I think I finally “got it.”  It’s about the people... on both sides of the counter.